Original 35mm full frame photograph.
Canon Digital Rebel, Canon 17-40 f4 L zoom lens
To this end I created a 6x17, a 6x6 and a 6x12 version of this scene by cropping down the original 35 mm photograph. Here are these three versions together with the crop marks that show how the original 35mm photograph was cropped for each format:
My personal favorite is the 617 version. Yours may be different. To me it best recreates how I felt at the scene. The long panoramic format provides a nice comparison between the trees and the rocks.
So how did I figure out how to crop these images? I used the Composition Format files, available on my Composition CD. These files consist of photoshop layer files with 8 different masking formats in 3 different presentations.
To use these files I imported my photograph in the layered mask file and then tried each mask in succession to see which one I liked best. This took me only a few minutes, if that much, and right away I could see exactly how each image would look cropped to each specific format. I then used the crop tool to crop each image to the format of the mask.
Here is a screen view showing this process. On the screen shot below the 6x12 mask was used. The layers palette, on the right side of the screen, shows part of the other available masks:

Screen View of the mask layered files on Alain's Composition CD.
Here, the 6x12 mask is used.
Essay and photographs Copyright © Alain Briot 2006
All rights reserved worldwide