Other essays in this series

Cover, PhotoEidolo Number 21
Although I am originally from France, I write my essays in English. Due to my international readership, my essays have been translated in several foreign languages, including Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, French, and German. Additional translations are also underway, guaranteeing that my writings are available to many non-english readers.
This list now includes Greek, thanks to George Eleftheriadis who translated Personal Style for PhotoEidolo. PhotoEidolo is a Greek Photography Magazine. The Greek version of my Personal Style essay was published in the December 2005 of PhotoEidolo, issue number 21.

Tsegi Spring Storm Panorama
Two page spread, PhotoEidolo
Print quality
Photographers are notoriously famous for being concerned about the print quality of their work, be it in fine art prints or magazine reproductions. I am no exception to this rule, and I was very pleased with the quality of the reproductions in PhotoEidolo. While the magazine is printed on relatively thin paper, the quality of the photographs is first class, even though my work makes use of highly saturated colors and high contrast, two features that have the potential to spell trouble for printing press operators.
I was also pleasantly surprised to see the reproduction quality of one specific image selected by PhotoEidolo: Antelope Winter Glow. This photograph was created with the Canon 300D Digital Rebel, which captures a 6mp file. Because the format of PhotoEidolo is 9.5" x 13", and because my work was printed at full page size, I had to upres the file to 9.5" x 13" at 300dpi. Yet, no pixelization or other defects mar the reproduction of this image in PhotoEidolo. In fact, when compared to the 4x5 photographs featured in PhotoEidolo, such as Antelope Light Dance, I cannot see any difference in quality. To me, this is a direct reflection of the image quality delivered by the Canon 300D Digital Rebel, quality that, in A Rebel in Paris, I have said to be comparable to 4x5 in print sizes up to 8x10 or 11x14.

Antelope Winter Glow
Full page photograph from a Canon 300D 6mp file, PhotoEidolo
If you read Greek I wholeheartedly recommend you get PhotoEidolo. The cost is 4.4 euros for a single copy and 22 euros for a one year subscription. PhotoEidolo's web site is
The world of photography is increasingly expanding beyond the boundaries of the countries producing the equipment we use, be it Japan (Canon, Epson, etc), Germany (Linhof, Schneider, etc.), the United States (Photoshop, etc.), Denmark (Imacon, Phase One, etc.), and many more (this list is definitely incomplete and aimed at providing an insight about the international aspect of photography rather than a complete listing of all manufacturers in all countries).
I am very excited about this trend, trend that I am witnessing first hand from the many international readers who Email me from all over the world. If you have not emailed me yet, I invite you to do so. And if you are interested in translating one or several of my essays in your native language, I also encourage you to do so. My Email address is
I look forward to hearing from you, wherever you are.
Grand Canyon Rainbow and Antelope Light Dance
Full page photographs, PhotoEidolo
Essay and photographs Copyright © Alain Briot 2006
All rights reserved worldwide