• Briot's View Subscription Special Offer •
The first 25 orders for the new Briot's View CD4 receive the new Northern Utah Booklet free:
1-What is the Northern Utah Booklet?
The Northern Utah Booklet is a collection of my Northern Utah Photographs. It is the companion to the Death Valley and San Juan booklets that I published over the past 2 years. All three booklets are similar in size and presentation. All three are collectible since I only produce 25 of each.
This time, instead of selling this booklet by itself, I decided to offer it as a gift to current or new Briot's View Subscribers. The occasion is the publication of Briot's View CD-4, my latest collection of essays. Briot's View CD-4 features over 40 essays, audio recordings in mp3 format, and the first installment of a new series of movie-commentaries about a selection of my photographs. All the essays, audio recordings and movies are created by myself and feature either myself or Natalie and I.
The value of the Northern Utah Booklet, if ordered separately, would be $85. Since Briot's View CD-4 is $84.95, you are getting the Northern Utah Booklet free, or Briot's View CD-4 free, depending which way you look at it.
You can see all the pages from the Booklet by scrolling to the end of this page.s
We only have 25 booklets available and not one more. I do not plan to make a reprint.
The Booklet is hand signed.
Here are the covers of the previous 2 booklets (both sold out):
2-About the cover photograph
The Cover photograph of the booklet features a rock formation that was known at "The Teapot." I say "was" because it no longer is there. It fell and was destroyed about a year ago. The rest of the location is still there, but this specific rock formation is gone. Since it was the highlight of this particular canyon, the location has lost some, if not most, of its appeal.
I found out about this formation 4 years ago, and I was fortunate to be able to photograph it on 3 different occasions. I had no way of knowing that it would collapse, but I am certainly glad to have photographed it while it was there.
To commemorate the Teapot, and it's passing, I am offering a Master print of the cover photograph with the booklet. This Master Print is 10x15 matted to 16x20. The photograph was taken with my Linhof Technikardan. It has not been previouusly offered as a print.
I am offering this print at a very attractive price: $215. This is below the first-month, print of the month price. You can also order your print framed for only $100 more. Less than the cost of taking it to a frame shop and having it framed yourself.
If you collect my work, the framing and matting will match that of my other prints such as those in the Print of the Month collection.
3 - What is Briot's View?
Briot's View is Alain Briot's Subscription-based essay series. New essays are published throughout the year and delivered to subscribers in PDF format making it easy to print on any printer and on letter-size paper. Essays are made available to subscribers via a password-protected page on this site and cover a wide range of topics from technical to artistic.
As a subscriber, I guarantee you will receive a minimum of 4 essays per year. In effect, over the 4 years that Briot's View has been available, subscribers have received much more than 4 essays.
4 - About Briot's View CDs and Subscription
In November 2004 I published Briot's View CD-1, which included a one year subscription to my series of essays on photography. I originally promised that subscribers would receive a minimum of 4 essays during their one year subscription.
After one year, subscribers who started their subscription in November 2004 had received 11 essays, nearly tripling my original expectations. These essays include product reviews -hardware or software-, such as WhiBal, ImagePrint, Ektaspace color space, Inkjet Control, QuickMats, Canon cameras, Epson printers and more.
In 2005 I published Briot's View CD-2. A number of new and never-before published essays were included on Briot's View CD-2, such as a 3-part interview conducted by James Morrissey, new essays in the Reflections and Photography and Art series and new product reviews.
In 2006 I published Briot's View CD-3. Again, numerous essays not available elsewhere are included on this CD.
In 2008 I published Briot's View CD4. As with all the previous Briot's View CDs, many essays on Briot's View CD4 are not available elsewhere.
Briot's View CDs and subscriptions are extremely popular with subscribers. I plan to continue the same successful approach to guarantee that you continue receiving essays that you both enjoy reading and find useful for your work.
Briot's View CD-4 Special Offer
Briot's View CD-4
+ One Year Subscription + current essays emailed to you now
(if you are already subscribed to Briot's View your subscription is extended by 1 year)
plus the Northern Utah Booklet, signed, free (first 25 orders only)
What is Briot's View?
CD4 List of essays (PDF)
Briot's View CD-4
+ One Year Subscription + current essays emailed to you now
(if you are already subscribed to Briot's View your subscription is extended by 1 year)
With 16x20 mat size limited edition print - matted
plus the Northern Utah Booklet, signed, free (first 25 orders only)
Briot's View CD-4
+ One Year Subscription + current essays emailed to you now
(if you are already subscribed to Briot's View your subscription is extended by 1 year)
With 16x20 mat size limited edition print - matted and framed
plus the Northern Utah Booklet, signed, free (first 25 orders only)
You receive free shipping, worldwide, with your order
Celestial Sunrise, Northern Utah
(copyright logo not present on actual print
Use PayPal to place your order or
call 1-800-949-7983 toll free (928-252-2466
internationally) to place your order with any credit card
or email us at alain@beautiful-landscape.com
Copyright © Alain Briot 2008
All rights reserved worldwide